Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tina to the rescue for Hillary Cliton - Sisters are doing it for each other

I have to call out someone I really like. I take no joy in it because this person does really good work. She created the only smart, funny sitcom on TV and the best show on NBC since “Seinfeld”. Her name is Tina Fey and I am really mad at her because she went on “Saturday Night Live” and endorsed Hillary Clinton saying, “it’s not too late, Texas and Ohio, get on board! Bitch is the new black!” With those last five words, she single-handedly revived Hillary’s campaign. Now, despite the fact that it all but impossible for her to win, the rest of us can’t get rid of this bitch.

I have to give Tina credit because unlike her old boss, Lorne Michaels, her show actually found a way to have two black men in the cast, it doesn’t do clichés, and is way ahead of its time in dealing with issues network TV never used to touch - while still being laugh-out-loud funny. And I find the irony of her comedy about a woman producing a sketch comedy show winning an Emmy while Aaron Sorkin’s drama about two men producing a sketch comedy show got canceled nothing short of delicious.

But for some insane reason she has thrown her lot in with these crazy Baby Boomer women (who lived through the fight for equal rights, but have forgotten what it means to be a part of movement for change) and their blind support of Hillary Clinton. Let’s face it, ladies, voting for a woman simply because you think it’s about time a woman was elected President is nothing more than identity politics and the brand of feminism I learned from my sainted grandmother would reject that the same way your daughters and granddaughters have. One thing equal rights for women was supposed to do was eliminate gender as a consideration in the workplace so that a woman wouldn’t be judged by her appearance, or her willingness to “stay late”, or anything other than her job performance.

Tina justified her endorsement by saying, “bitches get stuff done.” Meanwhile, Hillary’s staff are at each other’s throats to the point where her Senior Adviser and her Chief Strategist are trading f-bombs on a conference call, Bill is alienating black voters, there was no plan for after Super Tuesday, and she had to lend her campaign $5 million because it ran out of money. That’s not what I call getting it done. Let’s imagine a woman who couldn’t get her staff to work together, whose husband embarrassed her at company functions, who didn’t plan for the next fiscal quarter, and whose department was in the red. In the real world, that bitch would be out of a job.

And please spare me that crap about her experience and her being tough enough to be Commander in Chief. The First Lady, who has no security clearance, doesn’t sit in on Cabinet meetings, and has no authority to make decisions is no more qualified to be President than the wife of a brain surgeon who hasn’t been to medical school is qualified to open my skulI with a saw. If she was really tough, she would have left Bill’s sorry behind when she found out he cheated on her (again) in the Oval Office with an intern. She said Monica-gate was the biggest crisis of her life. And what was her reaction when she found out? “I could hardly breathe. Gulping for air, I started crying and yelling at him,” she wrote. Is that what she’s going to do when that phone in the White House rings at three in the morning?
It’s math, not magic, and the last thing we need in Denver is a repeat of Florida 2000. We’re talking about the Democratic Party, founded by Thomas “A Majority Of A Single Vote Is As Sacred As If Unanimous” Jefferson. It is mathematically impossible for her to win the nomination; and that has nothing to do with her gender. For the good of the movement she’s trying so hard to ignore, she should stick with her “I’m honored to be here with Barack Obama” personality. He needs to pick a running mate before the convention, so it’s time for her to take her ringing phone and go. McCain’s picked up six points because of her negativity; and after winning Texas and Ohio (thanks, Tina), she’s still can’t win the nomination. She’s just weakening Barack and hurting the party’s chances to build on 2006.

It reminds me of something another really good screenwriter (Mark Andrus) wrote in “As Good As It Gets”. Jack Nicholson’s character, a best-selling author, explains how he writes women so well. “I think of a man,” he says, “and I take away reason and accountability.”


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